No matter what situation, whether camping, hiking, skiing, fishing, climbing or just a drive. Always be prepared with our little helper! You can save yours and others lives!

If you are not sure about the duration of your next trip, you should pack this bag just in case. It is lightweight, easy to carry and warms your entire body. Suitable for sleeping outside or even in your car.
Both shell and lining are made of high-quality PE. Thanks to the good materials, the heat your body emits will come right back to you and keep you warm during the night, even if you are sleeping under the open sky.
The bag comes in one size, shaped like an envelope and anyone can easily fit inside. With the bright orange color, in case of emergencies, people will be able to easily spot you.
- Tear-resistant, weather-resistant
- Fully waterproof
- Installed in seconds
- Made of best PE Coating
- Material: PE
- Dimensions: 200x91 centimeters
- Ultra lightweight 110g
For just $24.97 this amazing Emergency Waterproof Sleeping Bag can be yours!
Emergency Waterproof Sleeping Bag
Emergency Waterproof Sleeping Bag
- Description
No matter what situation, whether camping, hiking, skiing, fishing, climbing or just a drive. Always be prepared with our little helper! You can save yours and others lives!
If you are not sure about the duration of your next trip, you should pack this bag just in case. It is lightweight, easy to carry and warms your entire body. Suitable for sleeping outside or even in your car.
Both shell and lining are made of high-quality PE. Thanks to the good materials, the heat your body emits will come right back to you and keep you warm during the night, even if you are sleeping under the open sky.
The bag comes in one size, shaped like an envelope and anyone can easily fit inside. With the bright orange color, in case of emergencies, people will be able to easily spot you.
- Tear-resistant, weather-resistant
- Fully waterproof
- Installed in seconds
- Made of best PE Coating
- Material: PE
- Dimensions: 200x91 centimeters
- Ultra lightweight 110g
For just $24.97 this amazing Emergency Waterproof Sleeping Bag can be yours!